On Diversity, Leadership, and Social Change

GCD 6: Miami, Florida, USA
How to build a Global Community?
April 2009
Dialogue #6 was held in April of 2009 in the sunny city of Miami, Florida, on the United States’ south-eastern shore. We met in a charming corner of this global city that exemplifies diversity and change.
The sixth dialogue – and the first one under our new GCD name – was held in the bustling, cosmopolitan South Beach area of Miami, Florida, near the home of our local hosts, Patricia M Coleman and Saskia Meckman.
The vibrant intimacy of the Blue Moon Hotel – www.bluemoonhotel.com – provided a perfect setting for a series of intense – and at times tense – dialogues about what a global community is, and how we are able to help build it both within the microcosm of the GCD and in our respective worlds beyond the GCD.
Using a highly modified form of Open Space Technology, we explored our own biases, blind spots and gaps in a series of guided exercises and structured large-group dialogue.
The three days that were planned unfortunately did not provide enough time to explore new approaches and practical solutions in small groups. Based on the learnings from this experience and previous Dialogues, we have decided to expand future dialogues to four days.